The Art of Duration

In The Art of Duration, we encounter a number of conceptualizations of time and duration from a range of disciplines: literature, philosophy, cultural studies, gender and sexuality studies, disability studies, and performance studies. Our goal is to investigate how these different concepts of time inform our understanding of the use of duration in different artistic practices. Together, we look at photography, film, video, performance art, installation, and sound art to better understand the art of duration both in theory and in practice. We also consider what the art of duration can teach us in relation to the body and power. Working between creative prompts, performance archives, and critical theory that can inform our understanding of the social, political, and cultural import of duration, we study time & materiality, early experiments in durational art, questions of visibility, and our own relationship to temporality and duration as praxis.

Registration deadline: 4th of January 2025
  • I. Time & Materiality

    What philosophies of time, indigenous knowledges, insurgent ecologies, and critical concepts offer insight to durational praxis?

    Image: Melati Suryodarmo, I’m a ghost in my own house (2012)

  • II. Now/Then

    How have artists developed and sustained durational practices over time? What heritages and bodies of knowledge inform our praxis?

    Image: Marilyn Arsem, Chornobyl (2022)

  • III. Attention

    Where are we politically, geographically, and culturally? Where does the art of duration leak beyond artistic frames?

    How does this affect our praxis? What is the meaning in our making?

    Image: GOODW.Y.N. Ghost of Myself and You (2022)


February 2 - March 23 | Sundays 10am - 12pm EST (8 sessions)

$750 For Members
$1250 Non-members

*payment plan available on enrollment page

Enrollment deadline: 4th of January 2025

The Art of Duration will meet on Zoom.

*Intro meeting Sunday February 2 10am-11:30am

Sundays 10am - 12pm EST

February 9 - Time & Materiality
February 16 - Time & Materiality
February 23 - Now/Then
March 2 - Now/Then
March 9 - Attention
March 16 - Attention

March 23 - Culminating PRAXIS

There will be practical assignments and reading prior to each first session. 

The Art of Duration with Dr. Raegan Truax includes interactive learning, creative prompts, group discussions, and unique access to durational artworks and documentation of performances. Outside of our shared time, you are given access to several texts and practical assignments to foster an embodied engagement with the philosophy, history, and critical theory. Beyond discussion, each participant can offer creative responses to our course material to generate embodied communications and feedback.

This course meets. on Zoom. Space is limited to 10 participants